Guess what came in the mail today….

My posing suit. I ordered it from Suits by Amy. I will be stoning it myself as mentioned in an earlier post. I’m excited to get started with it, although I still have to order my stones. I wanted to see the suit on before making a final decision about the stone color and design.

So what better time for progress photos:

14 Weeks Out from California State – 20 Weeks Out from Team U

Sorry that the pics are grainy, you can’t really see my cuts much, but I think I can tell a difference in my overall shape from December til Feb. I keep having this overwhelming fear that over the next 14 weeks I will look exactly the same as I do right now lol. Talk about crazy! lol.

In other news, I admit, I’m human. I cannot live without coffee. Just working it into my macros. Totally worth it!


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