So today I took to the track for my workout. You know I’ve become a firm believer that the universe gives you what you need when you’re ready for it, and when you need it. I was going through my normal sprints, running 80 meters then 100. I never was a track athlete. I did a little bit when I was like 12, then again for a stint in high school, but we didn’t have a real team, and I was busy in the dance studio so it never really went anywhere. My mother ran track extensively in HS and through her youth. And my father played basketball through the collegiate level, so I have the genetics of a champion in waiting lol. Which explains why almost every single day of my life I get asked if I run track… Ev-er-y-day. But I enjoy running fast, so I take to the track for my cardio because it’s more challenging, it’s more fun for me, and it’s a hell of a lot more efficient that spending hours on a machine.
There is a man at the track. An older man in his 60s/70s. He is someone I’ve spoken to a number of times before. Always asks me every single time I’m on the track who I run for… “Excuse me, who do you run for?” Everytime without fail lol. He forgets that I’ve already talked to him about this. He says everytime he sees me I look physically different. (Good as I should, I go to 3 different tracks so I’m not in the same spot, so ha, my body is transforming and folks can’t recognize me). I digress. So we start laughing, and he’s like “OH Roxie! Everytime I see you, you change on me.” So he started to tell me about my form and said that I’m doing some techinical things that are holding me back and I look like a drum major when I run because I pop up too soon out of the start position and I’m too upright, lol. So he took me for 2 hours today and trained/coached me. By the time he was done wtih me, my form was impeccable, and some of the professional runners on the track started watching and paying attention to me.
Turns out this guy does some work coaching with the Louisianna Saints NFL team and he has a few gold medals, and a superbowl ring under his belt. Last time I was running, I got approached by a former Olympic medalist sprinter who asked me if I was a professional runner. So this is twice now.
So the old man and I trained for about 2 hours. He had me sprinting on the track, then took me indoors for some strength work. All bodyweight stuff, some new things to me actually. Stuff that I mentally thought, “he’s got to be kidding me,” but after some coaxing and positivie pressuring, lol, I did every single drill he put me through. Needless to say, I am feeling the hell out of my glutes right now as I sit here. And I had a VORACIOUS appetite when I was done. He wants to train me for the next two months, and then on Thursday I’m supposed to meet this other coach who works with professional athletes who compete in Europe in various meets etc, he says that with my natural ability, with some training, I can be up there as soon as a year from now… So maybe in a few years I’ll be in the Olympics lol. You never know!
The thing about this other coach though is that he is also a former chemistry and bioscience professor and he owns a natural food/health store. He specializes in working with elite athletes and legal natural supplementation, diet, and nutrition. He is a former Olympic runner as well.
Man I guess health/fitness/athletics has been my true calling my whole life and I was busy trying to be the next Angela Bassett…
So that was my day.
I wanted to just talk a bit about how my diet was going before all the rambling above. I’ve been taking pics of my food every so often to share with you guys what I’ve been putting into my body. Again, my diet right now has me at 1800 cals, and about a 40/30/30 split of C/P/F. I’ve tried other ratios and caloric levels over the last few weeks, and this is the perfect split for me to feel like I can actually get through my workouts, yet still see great changes. Anything less, I feel like death. What’s been good is that I’m getting leaner, and I will continue to monitor what’s going on and change accordingly.
For me, I have to keep things interesting. Or else, I get bored as hell and want to eat stuff I have no business eating. I can honestly say that although sometimes I miss my occassional glass of wine, and my Thai food, I’m ok without it. And I also don’t have any crazy cravings either. And oddly, I’m never really hungry, probably because I eat all day long. But anyways here are some of my foods!
96% Lean Ground Beef Cooked as a Burger w/ 4oz of Sweet Potato “Fries” I cooked them in the oven with just a little non-stick spray. Fresh potato I cut myself with a side of mushrooms, garlic, onions I steamed in the pan with the beef:
Broiled Swai Fish with Shallots, Garlic, and Onions, Grilled Asparagus, and Steamed Broccoli/carrots/corn mix I made.
Two packed meals for the day. One is pan grilled lemon pepper chicken with 3/4 cup of basmati rice, and veggies, the other is broiled tilapia (lemon pepper) with 1/4 cup of basmati rice and veggies:
And today I just made… Pan seared Yellowfin Tuna cooked in a Soy Sauce (reduced sodium and only 15 mL) and Wasabi reduction with shallots and 1/2 cup of basmati rice.
Oh and look! Almost done, but this will be the last pic of the suit until I wear it on May 28th!!! There are just about 1000 stones on it.
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