I’ve decided on my shows for next year.
Starting the season off with The Arnolds! I also decided that I’m going to do just big shows. So next year I won’t be doing any local shows except for the California State since it’s a few weeks before the USAs (which I’m DEFINTELY doing), and I might do the Emerald Cup. I’m going to hit one of the Jr shows, and finish with either the North Americans or Nationals again.
So big year for me. I think for me to really be my best, I need to constantly be competing on the next level. I think that at this point it makes no sense to do that many local shows just because the caliber of competitors can be great or not so great, and I always want to be compared in the toughest situations. It’s when you can come out on top in a DEEP line up that makes this game so much more exciting. The national level and shows like the Arnold, folks come to WIN. I need that push to really drive me. I want to be among the best.