Well I’m in NYC and I swear when i come home all I do is EAT. I’m totally expecting to be 145 lbs by the time I get back to LA. Which is all good, its where I was last year before starting my prep for the California State. And I loved my look for that show and I’m expecting to be even better since I’ve made some really great gains this whole year.

I can say that I have that thickness on me lol. I’m still fit and athletic looking, but got that padding on the bootay and thighs that is naturally me. My mother’s coworker said I’m shaped like a Coke bottle lol. I haven’t heard that in ages and appreciated the comment lol.

Anyways I’m really ready to head back to the gym and start my prep when I return. I get back in town on Saturday. In fact I’ve already started working on my first two weeks of my prep training and diet. It’s time to get it back on track and fully focus on this new adventure I’m taking on head on.

I did hit the gym today… 200 lbs RDL triples. A new PR for me.


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