Rest day today! I’m sore!

The amazing thing about my gym is, despite the exorbitant cost of membership, I’m totally in love with the place. I normally work out at 3 different gyms. This one is the best of the 3.

Today I spent the morning doing just a little bit of abs (nothing worthy of noting, it was totally impromtu), then followed with stretching on the Power Plate (loooove the Power Plate), then foam rolled and did some static stretching. Total time of about an hour. I’m really focusing on working on flexiblity on my off days, so throwing in this workout was so perfect.

Then the fun began. My gym has in the locker room a full sauna, steam room and jacuzzi. The gym is IMPECCABLE and it’s really the only place that I would ever go to use any of the shower/spa facilities outside of the day spa I like to go to occasionally. So after my workout I spent about 45 mins just doing the whole therapeutic thing to aid in my physical recovery. I left feeling SO relaxed. This is so going to be a keeper in my program for my two rest days! 

My hunger level is through the roof. I feel good though. My refeed is tomorrow though so that’s refreshing. I do a refeed once a week at this point because that what just really works best for me. 

Tomorrow is also my HEAVY training day. I’m ready to just get in and CRUSH it at the gym.

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