So today’s Monday. And it’s back to the grind. No time to fuck around, no time to rest and let my body get away from itself. Yesterday I did have a victory meal. Chinese take-out which I’ve been craving, and pizza! Later today I will have some Thai Green Curry with Shrimp. And that’s it. Well I also did have 1 pancake for breakfast, but then realized I’m not eating anything but fried white flour, and I think I will never eat a real pancake ever again in life. Besides I like oat pancakes a whole lot better. Training wise, I’m back on the program. My plan for NY is to come in a little leaner in the legs. So I’m going to actually DO my cardio, lol. Let’s not even talk about it, I didn’t do very much cardio to prep for TOC.  However today with a strong goal in mind, I actually enjoyed the hell out of my cardio session. The plan is for right now 4-5x/week of 30 mins HIIT. That’s in the morning. Then afternoon I’ll hit my weights, keeping the same program for the upper body that I’ve been doing, however lower body bring in moderate intensity, but keeping the reps high (15-20), 3-4 sets, compound motions, super/giant sets and circuits. I want to really cut those babies up. I have the size, just need to whittle down juuuuust a little more. I also want to drop a little more fat overall so my waist can tie in a bit smaller. I’ve got 4 weeks so that’s plenty of time, especially since I’m already “there.” 

The first place winner had some great cuts, and that’s the ONE area that I knew going in could have been tighter. I just need to stop being a slacker cry baby and hit up the cardio. So here we go for round two of contest prep. Hold on for the ride, girl is DRIVEN! 

I’m also excited because when I get back to NYC I’ll be shooting with one of my favorite fashion photogs! We shot stuff before, his work is so awesome. I’m in the process of updating my book as I’m going to be approaching some agencies in 2011 (Wilhelmina, Ford, Bobbi Ball, CESD, etc) and a few magazines for print. Time to get back in the grind again. So thinking about looks, want something edgy fitness, something sexy, and something commercial. Putting on creative hat…

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