So today I’m doing the seminar at the gym that I had spoken of a few posts ago. And I’m totally excited about it. We’re going to be rocking out with a great workout and then talk about nutrition and how they can make the best choices for their goals and lifestyle. I’ve got a great group of women and I decided to keep this first one small. They’ll also get a complimentary session with the fee that they’ve paid to attend the workshop so I may get a few new clients out of it as well. I probably have space for 1 or 2 more people on my private training schedule and maybe a few spots in my bootcamp group. So I’m pleased.

Gosh last night I was at the gym and my gorgeous crush walks in and I almost pass out. I’m still far too shy to say anything to him or to even make eye contact. I’m not approachable at the gym at all when working out. I’d try to change that but honestly I don’t want to open the door to the horny creeps that are staring at my ass when I’m working out. He’s just as much a gym rat as I am, but he’s well spoken and not a meathead so that’s a turn on. I hate dense qualities in people. One of these days I’m going to muster up a hello and let my comfortable flirty side show. My inner Beyonce only comes out when I’m comfortable or when I’m “on.” Ok fuck it Monday I will tell you his name cause he will have told me.

In other news…. Workouts are coming along excellently. I’m so happy with the shape of my body. Even with the extra body fat (which isn’t much), I’m just really loving how my body has shaped up the last few months. I can’t wait to start dieting because all of this muscle can be revealed. I’m up to about 142 by now. No cardio is in my program but I’ve been eating well enough as to not put on copious amounts of fat. I may start to get hydrostatic weighing to monitor my real bf% for my progress measure. I’d be curious to know my real numbers as I transform my body at various stages and to have some real figures, instead of guessing what % of what is gained/loss so I may better adjust. Man I am excited for this season. I can’t wait til my prep starts mid March. I think I may jump into the California State Championships as a warm up before the national shows. That’s in June before Team U so I can continue to swing into things with prep. If I’m spot on where I plan to be prior to my shows I don’t bother doing any peaking tricks, my preference is to come in ready ahead of schedule. I know what needs to improve program and diet wise this year for me to be ON. So as long as I bring it, I’m happy.

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