So it’s on and official. I’m prepping for the first show of my season. And I’m off to a roaring start.
I’ve been hitting it hard and heavy. I added my track workouts back to the equation. I’m hitting that 1-2x/wk and mixing in distance, speed, agility, and plyometrics. Lots of drills, lots of speed breakdowns, and loads of bodyweight driven strength. I love that burn in my chest I get from the crisp air hitting my lungs and the force of my body through time and space. When people look at me, they think I’m a track star because of just my genetics. I’m not. My mother was. But I was naturally built for speed and power, and it feels so amazing to push my body to the limits. Ok so I do run and train like a sprinter. I ran for a while in my teens and I coached for the NY Road Runners Foundation a few years back. So it feels great to get back to that.
In the gym, I’m doing high intensity circuits. Keeping at failure BTW 8-12 reps, 3-4 sets, total body multiplanar motions, intensities of about 70-75% 1RM, minimal rest. I’m doing this 3x/wk. Then following with 30 mins of HIIT 3x/wk. 2x/wk is outdoor strength training with suspension training, medicine balls, tires, sledgehammers, body weight, and resistance bands with my training partner. Sometimes on my indoor gym days I’ll hit a second round of workouts in the evening. But this time it’s pure hypertrophy work. 75-85% 1RM, 8-10 reps, 3-4 sets, 2m rest. No cardio after.
Needless to say with all of this work I’m eating like a mofo!
I’m focusing on about .8-1lb/wk loss. Hitting right now 1800 cals 40/30/30 split of C/P/F. I have a lot of energy for my workouts. So I can push it. As of Tuesday, I’m now 140.8 lbs. I’m holding a lot more muscle than I was this time last year at the same weight. I’m going to get hydrostatic weighing next week. Just to have an accurate bf% and to keep a very close eye on my muscle/fat loss so I can adjust my calories accordingly.
Things are starting to shape up though.
I’m excited to uncover what’s lying beneath the bodyfat. I plan on a fierce little tight package this season lol. I competed at the Eastern USAs at 125#. With more muscle this time around, I’m not focusing on last year’s numbers. I’m going to go by the mirror and how tight I’m coming in. I’m starting this far out because I prefer the slow but steady approach that will keep as much mass on as possible. I feel more comfortable sailing into a show without needing to tweek the last week at all. I’m ready, I can taste it.
17 Weeks Out: NPC California State
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