I can’t begin to tell you how incredibly strong I felt today during my run. It’s hard for me to believe that about this time last year, I couldn’t imagine running the way that I am now, working at this capacity. I absoluely hated it. Today my track coach and I were talking about the possibilities of me running competitively next year at least in the Masters USA Track circuit. And “that” I am truly excited about. I got yet another accolade from some collegiate runners about my improved time, form, and speed. It’s a really rewarding journey thus far and it’s only the beginning.
Needless to say, I didn’t workout in the gym today. I’m only doing 3 days in the gym right now. 3 days of lifting and 2-3 days of outdoor hills/sprints/speed endurance work. I haven’t been to the track in weeks, but right now, the track isn’t what’s going to make my body stronger.
I stepped on the scale this evening… 139.8! So after a few weeks of feeling like I was in some sort of abyss, my body is responding yet again.
Here are some extremely random mirror self portraits, lol:
7.5 Weeks Out!