Words can’t describe my excitement for this week! After a successful run this past week of my peaking plan, I’m really confident that I’m going to come in with a new look and streamlined physique that’s the current look of figure. Damn it took a lot of adjustments and just stepping back to figure out how to sculpt my body into that mold, but I’m patting myself on the back and saying, yeah I did it! Whether I win or lose or place, or not, that’s not the point. The point is I ignored what naysayers have said was impossible to do in a short period of time, something that was going to be hard because of my genetics. I safely brought down my muscularity without harming my body, metabolism, and sanity.

It’s kind of a hard road to walk alone. Prepping oneself. Especially if you are an A type like myself who expects nothing less than perfect. I’m like a machine, I grind out until I get the job done. What I love about this process is the tremendous growth I’ve had over the last year as a professional in this industry. I really had to take a step back, dust of the books, look shit up, scour the internet, read various studies about everything pertaining to diet/nutrition/physiology/etc and the most effective ways to create change, look at the works of various experts in the field and how their approaches vary and are similar, base things upon my own experiences, and then form a game plan and opinion for myself. Research, proccess information, and execute a plan. I’ve come away with an even deeper knowledge than I’ve had before, and a knowledge base that continues to grow, as it always should.

So to say that this week is one of elation and NOT of stress is an understatement. In fact I’m bizarrely calm. I feel ready to just COAST right into this. I have my beauty appointments set for the week. I have someone doing my tan, and I have the LSR tanning folks doing my touch ups for Sat. My plan is all set, workouts ready to go, meals all planned out. Food partially ready, I’ll make some more to stow away later today. Posing is set, everything is ready. And that’s a great feeling.

Today is a chilled out day for me. I have some client programs to update and send out. But with the holiday, it gives me an extra day to get it done. My clients are doing well, here are some updates:

Carole has been training with me for about 6 months. She’s an online client, so I’ve never really met her except on Skype and talked to her a bazillion times via phone, text, & email. We were focusing on just bringing up her physique, then she told me she wanted to jump into a show — at FOUR WEEKS OUT! I wanted her to wait of course, but she wanted to do it for a friend of hers who is a competitor who is actually terminally ill with late stage cancer. This friend was a figure competitor. And because things aren’t looking to good, she wanted to just do this because she know it would make her friend happy as this was something they planned to do together at some point. In any case, how could I say no? I just told her as this being her first show to go in it with the mindset to just HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE HELL OUT OF THE EXPERIENCE. Her story is such a beautiful one, and the pressures of your first time out are insane, and I don’t want her to even think about that. She’s naturally pretty lean anyways, so I knew that getting her to come in even just a bit wouldn’t be too hard. And I proved to be right. I’m proud of her, we really brought her back and legs up so much! We’re going to refine even more for her next one which we hope to be in March 2011. That’s where we plan on figure domination lol.

And this next client is one I’m training in LA. She’s your typical mom, 2 kids, cardio bunny. Wants to compete because a friend of hers did and it inspired her (and fueled a little envy – let’s be honest), so she looked around and came across me. We’ve been training for 3.5 months. Her first goal was to just get slimmer. Whenever I take on anyone new, even if you have a goal to compete, the first thing I’m looking at is NOT what show to throw you in, but instead to bring my clients up physically to a state in which building a solid physique can begin. So just building a base and foundation for training, stabilizing the core, connective tissue, neuromuscular system, increasing flexibility (static/dynamic), improving overall composition, etc is my first focus. And ONLY after that do you get to decide on the first show. So we’ve got her there, and now her first show will be in March as well here in LA! She’ll be ready to rock out. Our focus now is building up her physique, putting on a little size, and working on her posing/presentation. We’re starting that last part NOW! lol

Team RoxStar! I’m head Diva! Werk! lol  

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