Ok enough of that. Let’s get to what you really came here for. My progress. Well folks, sit back and take a look at this.
So this was a 12 week difference. Well just under 12 weeks actually. Probably like 11 weeks. It’s funny how we perceive ourselves when we look in the mirror. Because you see yourself daily, it’s very easy to get critical and notice every flaw. It’s very easy as well to not see progress as clear as a bell. Well, for the last few days I had to calm my own brain. Remember I told you I kind of operate on a duality mindset. There is the very irrational competitor side to me who only sees the stage as the final result, then there’s the actual coach/trainer side of me who knocks competition Roxie back to reality and sees the broad spectrum of everything encompassed. So I have a very critical eye of where I want myself to be, I have a fierce competitive side that wants to win, and I have the rational side that balances everything and forms the game plan to that result and beyond. Every time I step on the stage there MUST be progress, or else what are you getting up there for again? We don’t want to see the same package, we want to see you evolved. And THAT’S the most fun part of all of this for me.
I’m at a point right now where I am really pleased with my progress and where my body is headed. So I have 6.5 weeks now to tweak to perfection. I’m not done just yet because this specific task isn’t done until Nov 19th, 2011. Then I will have a new task at hand, which is called rest, recovery, and relaxation. Swining into this last show is putting things into perspective for me. Look at what I’ve accomplished this year. Look at where I’ve been. I’ve gone beyond my wildest dreams, learned many new lessons along the way. I feel like I NOW am ready to hit the national level. I thought I was before. I wasn’t.
The next 6.5 weeks I feel ready to enjoy the process, to challenge my body by way of performance. In fact, I’m no longer going to step on the scale except for every 2 weeks when I need to adjust my calories and macros to keep the progress moving along. I wrote on my calendar ballpark figures of where I’d love for my weight to fall as a means of motivation. But for me, it doesn’t come from that. My motivation comes from seeing the physical change and shape of my body and how much I can kick my own ass in the gym. THAT’S what it’s about. Because when everything is in place, the aesthics follow. So now, what are you REALLY training for, huh? What are YOU really training for?