Last night I ended up doing cardio before bed. I hit 30 mins on the elliptical and felt SO amazing after. Sometime between that cardio session, my 3 hour workout, and leading my boot camp group I was FAMISHED so I ended up eating A WHOLE CHICKEN BREAST! Like one of those rotisserie ones you get from the grocery store, lol. I ate the ENTIRE BREAST left AND right sides . Chick consumes ALOT of cals! I burn a lot too.
This morning upon waking, I’m starting to see even more definition! My body adapts fairly quickly to changes in my program. And I’m really excited about my workout today. I’m going to do cardio on the track today for a half hour, then a few plyo leg exercises, maybe throw in some speed/agility stuff in with all that power. It will be mostly sprints. I’ll do 400m 1x, then 200m 2x, and then 100m 4x. Whew! But not before having my breakfast of champions… PROTEIN SHAKE!
Today’s going to be pretty busy. I have this workshop I’m doing on Saturday with my theater company, so I also will have rehearsal for my scene in the middle of the day. I have a free day today (I make my own schedule) so I’m not rushing to do anything. I think today however I’m going to look at some jewelry to match my suit, and look at some hair options as well. I was going to just get a weave done, however I HATE having my hair braided and I like to wash my hair everyday. I hate not having access to my scalp when I have a weave in. The more you wash it, the looser it gets. Funk that. So I’m considering some half wigs or clip ons. So we’ll see. I’m going to totally channel my inner Beyonce and Tyra on this one!
Ok well time to start the day, heading for the track, hopefully will have a new video ready for today. Carpe Diem!
Rise and Shine!
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