My program has stepped up for the next 3 weeks as well. I had given myself a little mini rest of backing off a little in the gym. I think I needed just a little mental break because I was starting to get bored and just needed to reset. But now I’m back in full swing, back in business. So I’ve now kept the dance classes (2-3 days for 90 mins), keeping the running (1-2 days for 30-40 mins outdoors in the hills), and that’s all I’m doing that I would consider cardio. I took out the intervals PWO because honestly with the above, I don’t need it. My training is pretty high intensity. My focus during my cardio and circuit or metabolic training with the weights is to maintain my HR btw 125-175 BPM. I allow myself to get to around 175 when in motion for the circuits, then as soon as I recover back to 125 BPM (takes about 30-40 secs or so more or less) I start the next round immediately. I have a circuit that I’ve been working on that has been building and evolving as my body adapts. It’s killer! For my cardio, I maintain my HR btw 155-175 BPM. So I’m working my butt off, which is why it’s so flat right now (well flat for a black girl who normally has BOOTY).
My beloved booty shorts that no longer fit….
Yeah but overall I feel good. Although right now, I’m going to take a NAP! Had a late night and already hit up the gym and whipped my tail with a set of dumbbells, a barbell, and my own bodyweight against the force of gravity!