Olympia Night


That’s all I have to say. 

I can’t watch pro BB stuff because I just get all pumped and want to take my ass back to the gym. I have some new favorite fitness girls.

Tanji (always been) and Oksana!  What both these women have made me realize is that, hmmm Roxie can maybe do fitness too. I’m a trained professional dancer, danced with some major companies, done the whole off/Broadway – Musical theater thing, professional ballet and contemporary ballet, modern, jazz, hip hop. I can flip too, I just have to get my tumbling stronger. So fitness may be in my future at some point. I think my style would be a mix of my favorite two gals. Something to think about for the future.

Iris Kyle is just phenomenal and ALL the BB women were so awesome. I just am in awe of any woman that can put on that much muscle and symmetry and yet be so graceful and amazing. 

You know when you watch something, and you’re like, yeah that’s gonna be me up there one day. My goal is set… Compete in the Olympia. Figure. And then maybe Fitness… That’s my long term goal. I’m claiming it here and now. 

Now begins the work. 

Today for the first day, it was tough. My energy was really low at the start of my workout. I wasn’t sure if or how I’d make it through. But as I went along I mustered up an explosive energy. It was a total body mix today. Plyo’s, Full Body Pull Ups (wide and narrow grip — I’ve NEVER been able to do those so to be busting out multiple sets is so awesome to me), legs, back, core, cardio. It was no joke.

My downfall in life in general is my quest for perfection. I’m a perfectionist. And I have to tame that quality because it has at times become my biggest asset and my worst enemy.  Have you ever done this? Take your competition photos and compare them to the pros comp photos to measure up what you have to work on to get to their level. LOL, yep, I do!  Told you I was crazy, but what I feel it does is give me a goal and keeps me on track to challenging myself to be amongst the best.

I’m hungry, and it’s not physical. It’s a desire to follow a dream. But dreams are intangible. Goals are not. They are a future event that you work to achieve. I’ve got the goal in mind, so now I’m on the path to having it.

2 weeks out.

It’s on.

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