It’s official!
For the first time, I can now see it, I can now taste it, I can now feel it, and I can now own my space on that stage.
I feel confident. I feel ready, I feel so happy to be able to once again present the work I’ve put in. I’m excited. I’m going back home. I’ll be seeing my family and friends. And it’s THAT which is most important. And for that I am so happy and pumped. I focused so much on the stage, and what I was coming back east to do, that I almost forgot about the loved ones I haven’t seen since October, and how much I miss them and how great it will be to share this experience with them. And how much everyone can’t wait to see me! I feel so blessed and loved. I’m just really happy now about everything.
More and more, I begin to see the life beyond the show, and for me that’s so very important to touch base with those things. I’m a super A type, a driven personality that stops at nothing to reach my goals. But when you’re that type of person it’s easy to get all consumed. More and more I remind myself to just step back and smell the roses, and the joy that I have for doing this stuff returns.
So here we are, 14 days away from stepping on stage. And I’m ready to rock the hell out of this show. And guess what, you think the Cals was something to see from me… Well baby, you ain’t seen nothin yet! Coming to a stage near you, an even better Foxie Roxie!
Ready – Confident
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